This Cybersecurity Workshop is designed specifically for retirees, but the information presented will be useful to anyone who uses online devises. In this 2-hour session, our speakers aim to equip you with essential knowledge and practical skills to help you stay safe online. The digital world offers many conveniences, but it also comes with risks. Our goal is to help you recognize and avoid these dangers, ensuring that your online experience is both secure and enjoyable.
Below are the topics that will be covered in the Workshop
10:00-10:05 Welcome Introduction and session goals.
10:05-10:20 Secure Passwords and OTPs. Discuss creating strong passwords and the safe use of OTPs (One-Time Passwords).
10:20-10:35 Recognizing Scams Overview of common scam tactics with real-life examples.
10:35-10:40 Break Short pause.
10:40-10:55 Real vs. Fake Links Tips on distinguishing legitimate links from malicious ones.
10:55-11:05 AI in Scams Brief discussion on AI's role in creating and detecting scams.
11:05-11:25 Protecting Yourself Strategies for personal security and safe technology use.
11:25-11:45 Interactive Q&A / Group Activity Practical examples, discussions, or a quiz on identifying scams.
11:45-11:50 Closing and Feedback Recap of key points and collecting feedback on the session.
We look forward to having you join us for this informative and interactive session. Let’s make your online presence safer and more secure together!
This organization was highly recommended to LLL Payap by the Golden Years group in Bangkok. Golden Years members visited LLL Payap in February for our tour of Residential Retirement Facilities in Chiang Mai. They have attended many technology workshops presented by Young Happy, a social enterprise in Bangkok dedicated to enhancing the lives of seniors through interactive and engaging initiatives.