Holistic Self-Care: Water is Life

Holistic Self-Care: Water is Life


Qigong for Balancing Body & Mind as we Age (Morning Course)

In this 6-session course, we will explore a series of standing Qigong movement and breathing exercises to build body awareness, improve physical balance, and develop skillful reflexes to protect against harmful falls. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to think more broadly about the concept “balance,” as it applies to both body and mind, and how to improve it with calmness, confidence, and ease. We will also learn about preventative care for osteoporosis, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases. Course activities will include a combination of standing and dynamic exercises, seated meditation, and theory based in traditional Thai and Chinese Medicine. Beginners, as well as practitioners of all levels, are welcome.

Holistic Self-care & Natural Living in our Golden Years (Afternoon Course)

In this 6-session course, we will draw from the ancient wisdom of Traditional Thai and Chinese Medicines to naturally optimize health in our “Golden Age.” Each week, classes will begin with a series of seated Qigong movement and breathing exercises targeted to reverse joint degeneration, build sensation & strength in the legs and feet, and improve overall physical vitality. Following the exercise portion of class, we will introduce a topic focused on natural living, specifically for seniors. Topics will range from personal constitution analysis based in Element Theory, to learning how to work with our body’s natural “organ clock,” to using scent and taste as powerful medicines for our physical & mental wellbeing. Practical self-care tools, such as gentle self-acupressure massage and mind-balancing meditation, will also be takeaways from the course. Weekly course materials are designed to synergize together for a well-rounded introduction to holistic living. A “pick and choose” option is available for those who would like to join for selected topics only. Beginners to Qigong and Oriental medicine, as well as practitioners of all levels, are welcome.

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