Artist Annelie Hendriks Rice Fields Photos
Variations on rice fields, a photo exhibit by artist Annelie Hendriks

This past January 17, Lifelong Learning Payap participants attended “Variations on Rice Fields,” an exhibition of photo-art created by artist Annelie Hendriks. Annelie’s photographs describes her reality, emotions, personality, and capabilities. She composes these images without the use of computer software, using her photographs of the rice terraces in Yuanyang, China, printed on vellum paper. Together with self-made texture backgrounds printed on transparency paper, she creates combinations on a lightbox and photographs the result. Half of the works that will be on display were produced by placing the photographs in a layer of water in the freezer, then cracking the ice and sometimes using food coloring to create the final effect – which was again photographed. Annelie is Dutch and has lived in Chiang Mai for the last 24 years.

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